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Bibliography for: From the University's History

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Bibliography for From the University's History

Further information about the University's history can be found in the following books and periodicals. This is not intended to be a complete list, but rather a guide to some of the principle sources.

General histories

Sue Ablett & Dorothy Johnston, 'Campus collection: a photographic record of the University of Nottingham' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1989)

Edith M. Becket, 'The University College of Nottingham' (Nottingham: Henry B. Saxton, 1928)

'Nottingham: ten years a university' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Union of Students, 1958)

B.H. Tolley, 'The history of the University of Nottingham' (Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, 2001)

B.S. Townroe, 'Nottingham University College: a record of its history and an appreciation of the new buildings' ([Nottingham]: printed for private circulation, 1928)

A.C. Wood, 'A history of the University College Nottingham 1881-1948' (Oxford: B.H. Blackwell Ltd, 1953)


Fred Dainton, 'Doubts and certainties: a personal memoir of the 20th century' (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001)

Ernest Weekley (ed), 'Hugh Stewart (1884-1934): some memories of his friends and colleagues' (London: John Murray, 1939)

Derek Winterbottom, 'Bertrand Hallward: first Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham 1948-1965' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1995)

University buildings

Frank Barnes, 'Priory demesne to university campus: a topographic history of Nottingham University' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1993)

Faulkner-Brown, Hendy, Watkinson, Stonor, Architects, 'Nottingham University Library' (printed by Perivan Williams Lea Group, 1974)

A. Peter Fawcett & Neil Jackson, 'Campus critique: the architecture of the University of Nottingham' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1998)

'Hugh Stewart Hall 1930-1980' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1980)

'University of Nottingham Sutton Bonington campus: a new building for Food Sciences' (Nottingham, University of Nottingham, [1997])

Charles Watkins (ed), 'A history of Hugh Stewart Hall, University of Nottingham' (Nottingham: Hugh Stewart Hall Association, 1996)

Contemporary guides and descriptions/ commemorative publications

'Endowment appeal 1928' (Nottingham: University College, 1928)

Frank Granger, 'University College Nottingham' (Nottingham: Jenkins, James & Low, 1928)

'Jubilee campus: royal opening 9.12.99' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Public Affairs, 1999)

'Plans for development' ([Nottingham: University of Nottingham], 1960)

[N.T. Scott & G.J. Eltringham], 'A civic university' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, University Careers & Appointments Board, 1965)

A.H. Thornton & M.D. Stephens (eds.), 'The university in its region: the extra-mural contribution' (Nottingham: Dept. of Adult Education, University of Nottingham, 1977)

'University of Nottingham golden jubilee' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Public Affairs, 1998)

'University College new technical schools: ceremonial opening by the worshipful the Master and Wardens of the Drapers' Company, January 12th 1893' (Nottingham: Nottingham Borough Council, 1893)

'University College Nottingham 1932' (Nottingham: John Clough & Son, 1932)

'University College Nottingham: an outline of the scope of university education provided: a statement as to available scholarships, exhibitions and studentships: notes on the careers open to students' (Nottingham: University College, 1937)

'University College Nottingham: souvenir 1913-14' (Nottingham: John Sands & Son, 1914)

'The University of Nottingham: the youngest English university' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1949)

'Visit of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Haldane to Nottingham to lay the foundation stone of the new university buildings being erected by Sir Jesse Boot, Bart., at "Highfields" Weds. 14th June 1922: official programme' (Nottingham: Derry & Sons, 1922)

'Visit of their majesties King George V and Queen mary on Tuesday and Wednesday the 10th and 11th July 1928: official programme' (Nottingham: Nottingham Borough Council, 1928)

Departments and special aspects

E.R. Andrew...[et al.], 'The Department of Physics, Nottingham University: the first hundred years' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Physics Dept., 1981)

G.J. Eltringham, 'Nottingham University Officers' Training Corps 1909-1964' (Nottingham: the author, 1964)

Michael Jones, John Beckett & David Green, 'History at Nottingham' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Dept. of History, 1995)

'The Medical School at the University of Nottingham: silver jubilee celebration 6th October 1995' (Nottingham: University of Nottingham Medical School, 1995)

Hinrich Siefken, 'German at Nottingham 1881-1998', Nottingham: [University of Nottingham], 1998

'University Hospital and Medical School Nottingham' (Nottingham: Joint Planning Committee, 1980)

Journals and annual publications

'The Gong' 1895-1995

'Gongster' 1939-1978

'University College/ University of Nottingham annual reports' 1891- present

'University College/ University of Nottingham calendars' 1882- present

'University College/ University of Nottingham prospectuses' 1895- present

'University of Nottingham gazette' 1950-1992

'University of Nottingham newsletter' 1968- present

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